The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

Title -           The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

Type -           Feature Fiction

Genre -         Action, Drama, Adventure, Book Adaptation 

Director -      Kevin Reynolds

Country -      United Kingdom

I have watched over 5000 movies since I was born and The Count of Monte Cristo is in my top 100 of best films of all time.  The film typically follows the journey of a man scorned towards redemption and reparation for ills done unto him - kinda reminds me of my life as an artist in Kenya's mainstream creative NGO sector, kidding, not kidding, kidding?  Anyhoo, Jim Caviezel (most remember him from the Passion of Christ 2004) pulls this role off masterfully alongside an antagonist, Count Mondego, (played by Guy Pearce - you probably remember him from L.A. Confidential (1997) or, if you are super-geek like me, from the soap opera Neighbours where he briefly played Mike Young) that keeps you reeling with anxiety throughout the film.

There's literally nothing to hate about this film; from its perfect acting to amazing wardrobe and sets to an airtight screenplay.  This is one of the movies I have watched over and over again with each time being as if the first.  I suppose other than its very relatable story of betrayal, this film weaves together all the elements that are requisite to make a 'great film'.  In fact, I prefer Caviezel's performance here to his role in the Passion of Christ.  If you haven't seen this film please start looking for a copy to buy (then tell me where you bought it so I can get my own copy!).  Also, if you are an avid reader like me, read the book as well.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars 

Review by Robert Mũnũku



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