Title - A Wrinkle in Time
Type - Feature Fiction
Genre - Fantasy, Adventure, Book Adaptation
Director - Ava DuVernay
Country - United States of America
Ava DuVernay is one of my favourite directors. My first interaction with her art was Middle of Nowhere and ever since I have watched all her films. A Wrinkle in Time is probably her biggest budget film yet but sadly, for me, not her best.
A sound cast and easy to watch storytelling style, along with great drapery, is as good as this gets. It feels a tad cheesy at some point especially the scene at the planet Uriel where I was left wondering whether I was watching a cross between The Wizard of Oz and Teletubbies. I honestly expected more from this film; a more elaborate script for instance, as screen-writer I would have delved in further to the science/magic behind the disappearance of Meg's dad and also explore the different planets a bit more ... add 40 minutes or so to do this as we also build characters more.
I need to get an honest review from someone who has read the book which I suspect has much more depth. This felt rushed and so was the CGI which at times seemed unconvincing. I also watched this film at home on DVD which may explain a large part of my disappointment - this is definitely one for the big screens. If you have never seen an Ava DuVernay film I would urge you not to start with this one - try Selma or Middle of Nowhere first.
Rating - 2.5/5 stars
Review by Robert Mũnũku
Instagram - @nairobifilmgeek
Email - nairobifilmgeek@gmail.com
Type - Feature Fiction
Genre - Fantasy, Adventure, Book Adaptation
Director - Ava DuVernay
Country - United States of America
Ava DuVernay is one of my favourite directors. My first interaction with her art was Middle of Nowhere and ever since I have watched all her films. A Wrinkle in Time is probably her biggest budget film yet but sadly, for me, not her best.
A sound cast and easy to watch storytelling style, along with great drapery, is as good as this gets. It feels a tad cheesy at some point especially the scene at the planet Uriel where I was left wondering whether I was watching a cross between The Wizard of Oz and Teletubbies. I honestly expected more from this film; a more elaborate script for instance, as screen-writer I would have delved in further to the science/magic behind the disappearance of Meg's dad and also explore the different planets a bit more ... add 40 minutes or so to do this as we also build characters more.
I need to get an honest review from someone who has read the book which I suspect has much more depth. This felt rushed and so was the CGI which at times seemed unconvincing. I also watched this film at home on DVD which may explain a large part of my disappointment - this is definitely one for the big screens. If you have never seen an Ava DuVernay film I would urge you not to start with this one - try Selma or Middle of Nowhere first.
Rating - 2.5/5 stars
Review by Robert Mũnũku
Instagram - @nairobifilmgeek
Email - nairobifilmgeek@gmail.com
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